Synthesis of Polyester Polyols by Using Double Metal Cyanide Catalyst and Physical Properties of Polyurethanes Produced by the Polyols 

Vol. 14,  No. 1, pp. 29-34, Mar.  2008


Copolymerizations of propylene oxide (PO) and phthalic anhydride (PA) have been performed in the presence of double metal cyanide (DMC) catalyst as a means of incorporating ester groups in the polyol backbone. DMC catalyst was effective for the copolymerization and the reactivity ratios measured by modified Kelen-Tudos equation were r1(PA) = 0 and r2(PO) = 0.248. Four different polyol samples containing 1.0, 2.1, 7.52, and 11.42 mol% of PA unit were utilized for the synthesis of thermoplastic polyurethanes of their hard segments of 19 wt%. As the incorporated amount of PA increases, the elongation of the resulting polyurethane decreases and the tensile strength and the tensile modulus increase. The modulation of the incorporated amount of PA into polyol backbone was proven to be a feasible way to tune the physical properties of polyurethanes.

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[IEEE Style]

K. IK, S. HS, H. CS, P. DW, K. I, "Synthesis of Polyester Polyols by Using Double Metal Cyanide Catalyst and Physical Properties of Polyurethanes Produced by the Polyols," Clean Technology, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 29-34, 2008. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kim IK, Seo HS, Ha CS, Park DW, and Kim I. 2008. Synthesis of Polyester Polyols by Using Double Metal Cyanide Catalyst and Physical Properties of Polyurethanes Produced by the Polyols. Clean Technology, 14, 1, (2008), 29-34. DOI: .