Antimicrobial Activities of Urushiol and Urushiol Derivatives 

Vol. 13,  No. 1, pp. 22-27, Mar.  2007


Pacquer traditionally has been used to varnish. Many reports have revealed that lacquer has durability and antimicrobial activities. Therefore, we expect that lacquer will be used as a good antifouling agent to solve the environmental problem. Here we chemically synthesized urushiol, a major component in lacquer and two urushiol derivatives, urushiol regioisomer and cardanol. We also analyzed the antimicrobial activities of these molecules to examine the inhibitory effect on the formation of the biofilms. Our results showed that synthesized urushiol and its derivatives have strong antifungal activities. Urushiol also exhibited inhibitory effect on the growth of gram positive bacteria specifically. However urushiol derivatives have low antibacterial activities.

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[IEEE Style]

K. JC, A. JK, K. SY, C. YH, K. DH, L. TY, "Antimicrobial Activities of Urushiol and Urushiol Derivatives," Clean Technology, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-27, 2007. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kim JC, Ahn JK, Ko SY, Choi YH, Kim DH, and Lee TY. 2007. Antimicrobial Activities of Urushiol and Urushiol Derivatives. Clean Technology, 13, 1, (2007), 22-27. DOI: .