Stydy on The Application Case of Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture through technical transfer of chrome reduced tanning process 

Vol. 10,  No. 1, pp. 27-35, Mar.  2004


Domestic leather company is working hard to solve present environmental problem. Leather industry is realized by representative pollution industry. An advanced nation is trying to develop clean technology by collaborating research institute with the chemical company, and tannery. This research introduced information that is gained through technical transfer in lether processing. This project started to solve environmental problem of leatehr industry. Specially the environment and economic problem is caused from chrome which exists in the waste water or solid waste. Representative technologies, reduced chrome tanning, non-chrome tanning method, are being introduced through transger. Also lightweight leather development advances the research whic uses non-metal tanning agent

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[IEEE Style]

K. WJ, K. HH, L. SC, P. KS, H. JS, "Stydy on The Application Case of Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture through technical transfer of chrome reduced tanning process," Clean Technology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 27-35, 2004. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kim WJ, Kim HH, Lee SC, Park KS, and Heo JS. 2004. Stydy on The Application Case of Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture through technical transfer of chrome reduced tanning process. Clean Technology, 10, 1, (2004), 27-35. DOI: .