The Economic Feasibility Analysis of 100-MW Power-to-Gas System 

Vol. 26,  No. 1, pp. 55-64, Mar.  2020


According to the Korean Renewable Energy 3020 Implementation Plan, the installation capacity of renewable energy is expected to increase whereas technology for storing excess electricity and stabilizing the power supply of renewable energy sources is extremely required. Power-to-Gas is one of energy storage technologies where electricity is converted into gas fuel such as hydrogen and methane. Basically, Power-to-Gas system could be effectively utilized to store excess electricity generated by an imbalance between supply and demand. In this study, the economic feasibility analysis of Power-to-Gas reflecting the domestic situation was carried out. Total revenue requirement method was utilized to estimate the levelized cost of hydrogen. Validation on the economic analysis method in this study was conducted by comparison of the result, which is published by the International Energy Agency. The levelized cost of hydrogen of a 100-MW Power-to-Gas system reflecting the current economic status in Korea is 8,344 won kg-1. The sensitivity analysis was carried out, applying the main analysis economic factors such as electricity cost, electrolyser cost, and operating year. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the conditions for economic feasibility were suggested by comparing the cost of producing hydrogen using renewable energy with the cost of producing natural gas reformed hydrogen with carbon capture and storage.

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[IEEE Style]

K. AR, P. SH, K. SH, "The Economic Feasibility Analysis of 100-MW Power-to-Gas System," Clean Technology, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 55-64, 2020. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2020.26.1.55.

[ACM Style]

Ko AR, Park SH, and Kim SH. 2020. The Economic Feasibility Analysis of 100-MW Power-to-Gas System. Clean Technology, 26, 1, (2020), 55-64. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2020.26.1.55.