An Experimental Study on Real Time CO Concentration Measurement of Combustion Gas in LPG/Air Flame Using TDLAS 

Vol. 25,  No. 4, pp. 316-323, Dec.  2019


In order to enhance combustion efficiency and reduce atmosphere pollutants, it is essential to measure carbon monoxide (CO) concentration precisely in combustion exhaust. CO is the important gas species regarding pollutant emission and incomplete combustion because it can trade off with NOx and increase rapidly when incomplete combustion occurs. In the case of a steel annealing system, CO is generated intentionally to maintain the deoxidation atmosphere. However, it is difficult to measure the CO concentration in a combustion environment in real-time, because of unsteady combustion reactions and harsh environment. Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), which is an optical measurement method, is highly attractive for measuring the concentration of certain gas species, temperature, velocity, and pressure in a combustion environment. TDLAS has several advantages such as sensitive, non-invasive, and fast response, and in-situ measurement capability. In this study, a combustion system is designed to control the equivalence ratio. Also, the combustion exhaust gases are produced in a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)/air flame. Measurement of CO concentration according to the change of equivalence ratio is confirmed through TDLAS method and compared with the simulation based on Voigt function. In order to measure the CO concentration without interference from other combustion products, a near-infrared laser at 4300.6 cm-1 was selected.

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[IEEE Style]

S. SH, P. DG, P. JY, S. AR, J. NK, Y. MY, H. JH, L. CY, "An Experimental Study on Real Time CO Concentration Measurement of Combustion Gas in LPG/Air Flame Using TDLAS," Clean Technology, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 316-323, 2019. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2019.25.4.314.

[ACM Style]

So SH, Park DG, Park JY, Song AR, Jeong NK, Yoo MY, Hwnag JH, and Lee CY. 2019. An Experimental Study on Real Time CO Concentration Measurement of Combustion Gas in LPG/Air Flame Using TDLAS. Clean Technology, 25, 4, (2019), 316-323. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2019.25.4.314.