Environmental Life Cycle Assessments on Nano-silver Inks by Wet Chemical Reduction Process 

Vol. 21,  No. 2, pp. 85-89, Jun.  2015


Utilized in a variety of electronic components, electronic components industry with metallic ink technology was established itself as a major technology research and development was gradually increasing, silver ink that is excellent in conductivity and stability, have long been used in the industry of electronic components in recent years and silver ink has been the size of nanoscale particles dispersed by developing display, an electronic tag, a flexible circuit board or the like used in the semiconductor and electronics as has been highlighted in, however industry modernization of equipment by increasing the production and consumption of products generated during the production process and environmental pollutants by use of waste products is expected to bring a serious environmental problem. In this study, prepared by a wet reduction method, the manufacturing process of the silver nano-ink to the entire process of the environmental impact assessment (LCA) was evaluated using the techniques. Life cycle assessment software GaBi 6 was used as received from the relevant agencies of the silver nano-ink data with reference to the manufacturing process, building inventory was international organization for standardization (ISO) 14040, 14044 compliant LCA conducted over four stages.

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[IEEE Style]

L. YS and H. TW, "Environmental Life Cycle Assessments on Nano-silver Inks by Wet Chemical Reduction Process," Clean Technology, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 85-89, 2015. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2015.21.2.085.

[ACM Style]

Lee YS and Hong TW. 2015. Environmental Life Cycle Assessments on Nano-silver Inks by Wet Chemical Reduction Process. Clean Technology, 21, 2, (2015), 85-89. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2015.21.2.085.