A Study on Improving Environmental Characteristics of Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner using Life Cycle Assessment 

Vol. 20,  No. 3, pp. 241-250, Sep.  2014


In this study, performance and environmental characteristics of cyclone vacuum cleaners are analyzed and product improvement methods are investigated to minimize environmental effect of the cleaners using the result. A simplified LCA method is used to analyze environmental characteristics of the cyclone vacuum cleaners. Two cyclone vacuum cleaners with similar specifications are chosen for the experiment. Typical characteristics of cyclone vacuum cleaners such as energy consumption, suction force, noise and temperature are measured and compared. Most environmental effect was caused by the energy consumption in use phase of life cycle. Some ideas are created to reduce energy consumption of the vacuum cleaners in use phase like installing baffle, and methods to extend exchange period of filter. It is analyzed how recyclability rate of vacuum cleaners could be improved to reduce the environmental effect in whole life of the vacuum cleaners.

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[IEEE Style]

H. BS, Y. YH, L. C, Y. H, "A Study on Improving Environmental Characteristics of Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner using Life Cycle Assessment," Clean Technology, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 241-250, 2014. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Hwang BS, Yoon YH, Lee C, and Yi H. 2014. A Study on Improving Environmental Characteristics of Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner using Life Cycle Assessment. Clean Technology, 20, 3, (2014), 241-250. DOI: .