Glycerol Carbonate Synthesis by Glycerol Oxidative Carbonylation over Copper Catalysts 

Vol. 19,  No. 4, pp. 416-422, Dec.  2013


In environmental friendly aspects, the synthesis of glycerol carbonate from glycerol using carbon monoxide and oxygen gases which were produced in petrochemical plants was studied. The oxidative carbonylation of glycerol under batch reaction system was performed on parameter conditions such as effect of various metals (Cu, Pd, Fe, Sn, Zn, Cr), oxidizing agents, mole ratio of carbon monoxide to oxygen, catalyst amount, solvent types, reaction temperature and time and dehydrating agents. In particular copper chloride catalysts showed the excellent activities, and the glycerol carbonate yields over CuCl and CuCl2 catalysts were the maximum of 44% and 64%, respectively at the following reaction conditions: solvent as nitrobenzene, mole ratio of 1:3:0.15 (glycerol:carbon monoxide:catalyst), mole ratio of 2:1 (carbon monoxide:oxygen), the total pressure of 30 bar at 413 K for 4 hr. It was found that reactivity were significantly different depending on the oxidation number of Cu catalysts, and oxygen plays an important role as oxidizing agents in producing H2O during oxidation reaction after carbonylation of glycerol.

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[IEEE Style]

C. JH, L. SD, W. HC, "Glycerol Carbonate Synthesis by Glycerol Oxidative Carbonylation over Copper Catalysts," Clean Technology, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 416-422, 2013. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Choi JH, Lee SD, and Woo HC. 2013. Glycerol Carbonate Synthesis by Glycerol Oxidative Carbonylation over Copper Catalysts. Clean Technology, 19, 4, (2013), 416-422. DOI: .