Comparative Modeling of Low Temperature Char-CO2 Gasification Reaction of Drayton Coal by Carbon Dioxide Concentration 

Vol. 19,  No. 3, pp. 306-312, Sep.  2013


We investigated the effects of the concentration of carbon dioxide on the char-CO2 gasification reaction under isothermal conditions of 850 ℃ using the Drayton coal. Potassium carbonate was used to improve the low-temperature gasification reactivity. The enhancement of carbon dioxide concentration increased the gasification rate of char, while gasification rate reached a saturated value at the concentration of 70%. The best CO2 concentration for gasification is determined to be 70%. We compared the shrinking core model (SCM), volumetric reaction model (VRM) and modified volumetric reaction model (MVRM) of the gas-solid reaction models. The correlation coefficient values, by linear regression, of SCM are higher than that of VRM at low concentration. While the correlation coefficients values of VRM are higher than that of SCM at high concentration. The correlation coefficient values of MVRM are the highest than other models at all concentration.

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[IEEE Style]

P. JY, L. DK, H. SC, K. SK, L. SH, Y. SK, Y. JH, L. SH, R. YW, "Comparative Modeling of Low Temperature Char-CO2 Gasification Reaction of Drayton Coal by Carbon Dioxide Concentration," Clean Technology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 306-312, 2013. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2013.19.3.306.

[ACM Style]

Park JY, Lee DK, Hwang SC, Kim SK, Lee SH, Yoon SK, Yoo JH, Lee SH, and Rhee YW. 2013. Comparative Modeling of Low Temperature Char-CO2 Gasification Reaction of Drayton Coal by Carbon Dioxide Concentration. Clean Technology, 19, 3, (2013), 306-312. DOI: 10.7464/ksct.2013.19.3.306.