Analysis of Zeolite Membrane Using Patent Information 

Vol. 18,  No. 3, pp. 307-311, Sep.  2012


Patents is a strong asset. Samsung and Apple's patent lawsuit is a prime example. So many countries reinforce the intellectual property and they lay the emphasis on the patent. Utilizing the patent information efficiently is basic to the patent analysis. Patent information will provide for new science and technology information sources, international code is classified according to the international patent system IPC, being easily accessible. In this paper, analysis of foreign and domestic patents for zeolite technologies analysis using IPC. The current of technology development in such countries as Korea, USA, Japan, China and EU was analyzed by classifying the patents for 1992 through 2011 according to registration country, assignee, calendar year and technology area.

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[IEEE Style]

I. EJ, K. SH, K. SG, H. DH, P. SH, "Analysis of Zeolite Membrane Using Patent Information," Clean Technology, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 307-311, 2012. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Im EJ, Kim SH, Kim SG, Hyeon DH, and Park SH. 2012. Analysis of Zeolite Membrane Using Patent Information. Clean Technology, 18, 3, (2012), 307-311. DOI: .