Regulation of Acid Contents in Kiwifruit Irradiated by Various Wavelength of Light Emitting Diode during Postharvest Storage 

Vol. 16,  No. 2, pp. 88-94, Jun.  2010


The physiological roles of various wavelength of light emitting diode (LED) on ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit experiencing after-ripening were investigated. Various wavelengths from LED light source were irradiated on kiwifruits kept in plastic bags or under open air at 25℃. During two weeks of storage, firmness of Hayward kiwifruits was decreased by 25℃ treatment than by 4℃ treatment. In the 25℃ storage condition, the firmness of kiwifruits was decreased by the treatment of 380 nm UV and 470nm white LED light source. Sweetness of kiwifruits treated with 380 nm UV LED and dark condition at 25℃ increased higher than 15°Brix. The acidity of kiwifruits under open air was decreased 52% by incubating at 25℃ with 660 nm red LED treatment. The acidity of kiwifruits in plastic bags was decreased 52.6, 55.6, 52.8% by the treatment of 440 nm blue, 470 nm white and 660 nm red LED light source, respectively, compared to that of kiwifruits incubated in darkness at 25℃. Decreased acidity irradiated by 660 nm red LED light source can be applied for regulating periods of the kiwifruit after-ripening process. LED light sources emit very narrow wavelength with a power-saving mode, therefore, the usage of these LED light source for regulating the after-ripening process can be classified as a clean biotechnology producing safe and environment-friendly kiwifruits.

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[IEEE Style]

B. KH, J. MH, K. YB, L. SW, Y. HK, "Regulation of Acid Contents in Kiwifruit Irradiated by Various Wavelength of Light Emitting Diode during Postharvest Storage," Clean Technology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 88-94, 2010. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Baek KH, Jang MH, Kwack YB, Lee SW, and Yun HK. 2010. Regulation of Acid Contents in Kiwifruit Irradiated by Various Wavelength of Light Emitting Diode during Postharvest Storage. Clean Technology, 16, 2, (2010), 88-94. DOI: .