Decomposition of Dye Chemicals by Electrolytic Oxidation Method 

Vol. 12,  No. 3, pp. 145-150, Sep.  2006


Electrolysis of aqueous solution produces hydroxide ions and proton ions for the hydrolysis of reactive organic compounds, and oxidizing agent such as hypochlorite ions for the oxidative decomposition of organic chamicals. Electrolytic decomposition of dying chemicals was tested with our custom made system, and analyzed by HPLC and UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The electrolytic system could decompose dying chemicals with very high reactivity and low cost. Disposal of byproduct and refill of reactant during electrolysis was not necessary. Deomposition time of dying chemicals is compared under similar conditions, and application to water purification is discussed.

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[IEEE Style]

L. TJ, C. BC, C. YC, "Decomposition of Dye Chemicals by Electrolytic Oxidation Method," Clean Technology, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 145-150, 2006. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Lee TJ, Chum BC, and Chung YC. 2006. Decomposition of Dye Chemicals by Electrolytic Oxidation Method. Clean Technology, 12, 3, (2006), 145-150. DOI: .