Preparation of Synthesis Gas from Methane in a Capacitive rf Discharge 

Vol. 12,  No. 3, pp. 138-144, Sep.  2006


Conversion of methane to synthesis gas in a capacitive rf plasma at low pressure was experimentally studied. In this plasma, electrons which had sufficient energy-level collided with the molecules of methane or oxygen-containing gas, which were than activated and converted to synthesis gas. The effect of input power, various oxygen-containing gas and composition of the gas mixture were investigated. The conversion of methane reached up to 100%. In all cases, hydrogen and carbon oxide were produced as primary products, and other compounds was generated. The conmersion of methane and the yield of hydrogen and carbon oxides were increased with increasing the input power. Depending on the oxygen-containing gases, the composition of synthesis gas was varied.

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[IEEE Style]

S. HK, C. JW, L. H, K. SS, N. BK, "Preparation of Synthesis Gas from Methane in a Capacitive rf Discharge," Clean Technology, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 138-144, 2006. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Song HK, Choi JW, Lee H, Kim SS, and Na BK. 2006. Preparation of Synthesis Gas from Methane in a Capacitive rf Discharge. Clean Technology, 12, 3, (2006), 138-144. DOI: .