Solubility of Ibuprofen in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 

Vol. 11,  No. 3, pp. 147-152, Sep.  2005


For estblishing the best technique for the micronization of Ibuprofen using supercritical fluids, the solubility should be known. The solubility of Ibuprofen in supercritical carbon dioxide was measured by observing the cloud point. The cloud point was observed using high pressure equipment equipped a variable volume view cell between temperature of 35, 40 and 45 °C. The solubility data was sorrelated by the Peng-Robinson equation of state Solute physical properties, such as critical temperature (Tc), critical pressure (Pc) and acentric factor (ω) were estimated by the some group contribution method. As pressure was increased, the solubility increased at constant temperature. The retrograde phenomenon by a solute vapor pressure and a density of solvent was obwerved at the pressure of around 150bar. It was found that CO2 can be used as a supercritical solvent in micronization of iburofen by RESS.

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[IEEE Style]

K. YA, C. J, L. JS, K. H, L. YW, "Solubility of Ibuprofen in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide," Clean Technology, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 147-152, 2005. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kim YA, Chu J, Lim JS, Kim H, and Lee YW. 2005. Solubility of Ibuprofen in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Clean Technology, 11, 3, (2005), 147-152. DOI: .