Physical Properties and Cleaning Ability of Fluoride-Type Cleaning Agents Alternative to Ozone Destruction Substances 

Vol. 11,  No. 3, pp. 129-139, Sep.  2005


Fluoride-type cleaning agents such as TFEA (2,2,2-trifluoroethanol) and HFE (hydrofluoroether) are noticed to be next generation cleaning agents alternative to CFCs since they do not destruct ozones in the stratosphere due to no containment of chloride in the molecule, have lower global warming potential compared to HFCs and HCFCs, and are thermally stable compounds. Thus, the physical properties and cleaning agents were measured and compared with those of CFC-113, 1,1,1-TCE and HCFC-141b which are ozone destruction substances. They were also compared and evaluated with those of IPA and methanol which are currently employing as alternative cleaning agents. And TFEA-based cleaning agents consisted of TFEA and alcohols or HFEs were formulated, their physical properties and cleaning abilities were measured and their utilization as alternative cleaning agents was evaluated. As a result, TFEA and HFEs have lower cleaning ability for their removal of various soils compared to chloride-type cleaning agents, but they show excellent cleaning ability for Fluoride-type soils. And it is observed that the formulated cleaning agents of TFEA and alcohols or HFEs caused to increase cleaning ability of flux and unsoluble cutting oil more than 100% compared to their individual component. Therefore, the fluoride-type cleaning agents are expected to be utilized for development of environmental-friendly non aqueous cleaning agents with excellent cleaning ability if they are formulated with proper solvents or additives.

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[IEEE Style]

P. JN, K. EJ, J. YW, K. H, B. JH, "Physical Properties and Cleaning Ability of Fluoride-Type Cleaning Agents Alternative to Ozone Destruction Substances," Clean Technology, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 129-139, 2005. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Park JN, Kim EJ, Jung YW, Kim H, and Bae JH. 2005. Physical Properties and Cleaning Ability of Fluoride-Type Cleaning Agents Alternative to Ozone Destruction Substances. Clean Technology, 11, 3, (2005), 129-139. DOI: .