Measurement of Coating Removal Rate of Accelerated Dry Ice Snow Impact 

Vol. 10,  No. 4, pp. 177-187, Dec.  2004


Dry ice snow jet was produced by high-pressure expansion of liquid carbon dioxide and subsequent acceleration by carrier gas flow. Removal mechanism for coating was not so different from that for contaminating particles on the surface. The removal of coating was quantitatively described by Hutchings' equation. The two parameters obtained from the plot, were used to predict the removal rate or the specific coating area removed by a unit mass of carbon dioxide. Their values also enhanced the reliability of the experimental data and enabled the experimental errors corrected. Hutchings' plots obtained with various values of either stand-off distance or nozzle length tends to meet apparently at a single unique point at which the scar-size enlargement by focusing jet plume was balanced with that by spreading it.

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[IEEE Style]

N. YM, K. H, K. SG, "Measurement of Coating Removal Rate of Accelerated Dry Ice Snow Impact," Clean Technology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 177-187, 2004. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Na YM, Kim H, and Kim SG. 2004. Measurement of Coating Removal Rate of Accelerated Dry Ice Snow Impact. Clean Technology, 10, 4, (2004), 177-187. DOI: .