Dynamic Adsorptive Characteristics of Dual Adsorbents Bed Packed with Activated Carbon and Zeolite 13X for Benzene Adsorption 

Vol. 10,  No. 3, pp. 159-168, Sep.  2004


Benzene adsorption experiment was carried out for activated carbon and zeolite 13X adsorbents. Single column and dual column packed with two adsorbents were used to investigate the dynamic adsorptive characteristics. Effect of feed flow rate on the breakthrough curve was not significant. Specific adsorption amount of benzene for activated carbon was larger than that for zeolite 13X. On the contrary, adsorption amount per column volume was larger for zeolite 13X column because the density of zeolite 13X was larger. In the dynamic experiment using dual adsorbents column, length of mass transfer zone was changed by the feed direction. Breakthrough time was longer and breakthrough curve was sharper when activated carbon was packed in feed inlet and zeolite 13X was packed in column outlet. Also breakthrough time and breakthrough curve slope were affected by the packing ratio of the two adsorbents.

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[IEEE Style]

K. SW, S. SS, M. BH, "Dynamic Adsorptive Characteristics of Dual Adsorbents Bed Packed with Activated Carbon and Zeolite 13X for Benzene Adsorption," Clean Technology, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 159-168, 2004. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kang SW, Suh SS, and Min BH. 2004. Dynamic Adsorptive Characteristics of Dual Adsorbents Bed Packed with Activated Carbon and Zeolite 13X for Benzene Adsorption. Clean Technology, 10, 3, (2004), 159-168. DOI: .