Zero-Emission Materials Cycle in Production Process and Regional Scale 

Vol. 3,  No. 2, pp. 13-24, Dec.  1997


The present paper aims to give basic information to establish zero emission material cycle including the minimization of emissions from industrial production processes and the area in regional scale. Strategies and methodologies to analyze emissions from the production processes and our human activities and to reduce those emissions by refining and/or replacing the unit process with the alternatives are introduced as well. Quantitative evaluation and management systems of any raw materials and the production process are from vie points of treatment are essential. Estabiishment of a process networking for the recycle of discharged non-products materials by the intra-process, trans-process and the trans-industries are proposed. Procedures and priorities to formulate industrial and regional zero emission system are proposed as well.

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[IEEE Style]

F. K, "Zero-Emission Materials Cycle in Production Process and Regional Scale," Clean Technology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 13-24, 1997. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Fujie K. 1997. Zero-Emission Materials Cycle in Production Process and Regional Scale. Clean Technology, 3, 2, (1997), 13-24. DOI: .