Oxidation Characteristics of Low Concentration CO Gas by the Natural Manganese Dioxide(MND) in a Fixed Bed 

Vol. 2,  No. 1, pp. 60-68, Jun.  1996


The oxidation of carbon monoxide of low concentration on the natural manganese dioxide (NMD) has been investigated in a fixed bed reactor. The experimental variables wert concentration of oxygen (500ppm∼99.8%) and carbon monoxide (500ppm∼ 10000ppm) and catalyst temperature (50∼750℃). The NMD(Natural Manganese Dioxide) has been characterized by temperature - program reduction(TPR) using 2.4% CO/H2 as a reducing agent, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and reduction of NMD by 2.4% CO/H2. It was found that the NMD catalyst activity on the unit area was greater than the MnO2 catalyst for oxidationl of CO at the same temperature. The thermal stability of oxidation activity was considered to be maintained when the MND was heated to 750℃. The TGA, reduction by CO, and TPR of the NMD showed that the NMD had active lattice oxygen which was easily liberated on heating in the absence and low concentration of oxygen. The reaction order in CO is 0.701 between 500 ∼ 3500ppm and almost zero between 3500-10000ppm of CO.

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[IEEE Style]

L. YS, P. JS, O. KJ, "Oxidation Characteristics of Low Concentration CO Gas by the Natural Manganese Dioxide(MND) in a Fixed Bed," Clean Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 60-68, 1996. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Lee YS, Park JS, and Oh KJ. 1996. Oxidation Characteristics of Low Concentration CO Gas by the Natural Manganese Dioxide(MND) in a Fixed Bed. Clean Technology, 2, 1, (1996), 60-68. DOI: .