Cleaner Production : Basic Principles And Development 

Vol. 2,  No. 1, pp. 1-6, Jun.  1996


Cleaner production is of substantial importance in changing the enviromnental approach within advanced industrialized countries. The critical principles involve fundamental understanding of diverse industrial processes, adherence to the earliest techniques of a hierarchy for reducing wastes, and utilization of an underlying thought process to achieve pollution prevention successes that are both technically feasible and cost-effective. Chemical engineering has played a major and unique role in this environmental field. Improving the sustainability of cleaner production will rest on including this subject in the curriculum of university engineenng.

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[IEEE Style]

O. M, "Cleaner Production : Basic Principles And Development," Clean Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 1996. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Overcash M. 1996. Cleaner Production : Basic Principles And Development. Clean Technology, 2, 1, (1996), 1-6. DOI: .